The evidence is clearly established: smoking can rob you of years and decades of a healthy, enjoyable life.
By stopping to smoke you gain health benefits no matter how long you smoked or how old you are now.
In my practice, The Family Circle, I focus on working with parents and their children. So let’s look at the reasons why you should throw cigarettes in the bin and never touch them again.
The effects of smoking on fertility in men and women
“More than 25 million citizens in the European Union are affected by infertility, with male infertility occurring in approximately 40% of the cases” (Fertility Europe, 2021). About 19% of women in the US experience fertility struggles (CDC, 2022).
Among other things, the risk of infertility in men, the so-called disruption of testicular or ejaculatory function, is increased (among other things) by smoking.
The same applies to infertility struggles in women. Smoking shows an adverse effect on ovarian function and thus decreases fertility (Voorhis et al, 1996). This can mean, that women who smoke face bigger struggles of becoming pregnant or never becoming pregnant at all.
So if you are trying to conceive and would like to have an RTT session on fertility, I would suggest that we first have a session on stopping to smoke. Very often, things fall into place with giving up the cigarettes.
The effects of smoking during pregnancy
“Smoking during pregnancy can cause tissue damage in the unborn baby, particularly in the lung and brain, and some studies suggest a link between maternal smoking and cleft lip” (CDC, 2022).
“Studies also suggest a relationship between tobacco and miscarriage. Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke can keep the developing baby from getting enough oxygen. Tobacco smoke also contains other chemicals that can harm unborn babies”
In the US, smoking during pregnancy leads to more than 1,000 infant deaths per year.
Other negative effects are:
- Premature babies
- Lower birth weight
- Higher risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Babies have weaker lungs
- Increased risk of additional health problems in the future
The impacts of smoking on the family
If a parent smokes and the child is exposed to secondhand smoke or passive smoke, this has an impact on the health of the child. Health risks include:
- weaker lungs
- Higher risk of bronchitis and pneumonia
- Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath
- Higher risks of asthma, with more severe asthma attacks
- Higher risk of ear infections and fluid in their ears resulting in the need for surgery for ear tubes
But not only can we observe severe health risks, but there are also sociodynamic impacts of smoking:
- If a child grows up with parents who smoke, the likelihood of also smoking later on in life is at higher risk (Vuolo et al, 2013).
- Studies also suggest that smokers experience lower levels of family harmony at home (Wang et al, 2016)
How I help you stop smoking with RTT
RTT is a combination of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, and cognitive behavioral therapy and utilizes the effects of neuroplasticity.
Because it’s a solution-focused therapy approach, the goal of stopping to smoke is the focus of the entire session, and 3 weeks after the session.
With the help of hypnosis, you’ll discover the reasons why you smoke, why you started again if you successfully stopped once, and why it’s so hard for you to let go now. The power of the mind is incredibly strong, and we’ll use that power (yes you also have it!) to let go of the cigarettes.
In hypnosis, I regress you back to experiences and memories of your past that have all to do with why you smoke. My clients say things like “I just wanted to belong” “I wanted to rebel” or “I felt unloved and needed to do something, even if it harms my body”.
The reason why you smoke is as individual as you are. There are no two stories the same. And that is why RTT works so incredibly well and is so effective: because is solution-oriented and client-focused. You are at the center of this therapy.
I want to do RTT so I can finally be smoke-free – what are the next steps?
If you are ready to become a non-smoker, book your intake call with me here. I’ll walk you through the process and kick off the onboarding process. Any questions you might have will be covered in this call.
The next step is, that you watch 3 videos that I recorded for you. It is crucial that you watch them, as they will set you up for success!
After you finished watching the training videos, we will have the RTT session. It takes about 2 hours to get to the root cause of why you smoke, reframe your mindset and start an altogether healthier, different life from now on.
After the RTT session, you’ll receive a personalized audio recording. A 20 min hypnosis recording that you will listen to for 21 days straight. That’s how long it takes to establish a new habit and let go of old habits.
Be ready to ditch the cigarettes on the day of your session. You will be a non-smoker from the day of your session! In my program, there is no such thing as “I am a bit of a smoker” You will become a NON-SMOKER.
Are you ready to transform your life? LET’S DO THIS!!
Marina, my client from Denmark, came to see me for help to stop smoking. She did already stop a few years ago but then started again. As a mom of a young child, she realized how smoking prevents her from being present. She also understands the importance of modeling healthy behavior – which she didn’t do as a smoker.
Client testimonial
After only one session, Marina is completely smoke-free. She didn’t touch one cigarette since her session. I am so so happy for her success!!