Reflections and thoughts

How can a parent coach help you?

Hi there! I’m glad you’re considering working with a parent coach. A parent coach can help you in many ways! I can provide you with guidance and insight on how to handle different parenting situations. I can help you develop better communication and problem-solving skills and offer you support and resources to help you navigate the complexities of parenting. Providing you with tips on how to manage your own emotions and stress levels is a very important part of my ...
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Stop smoking with RTT

Stop smoking with RTT in only one session. This incredibly effective method uses the best of hypnosis, CBT and NLP to finally transform you into a non-smoker! Learn about the benefits of being a non-smoker and how YOU can achieve that in only 2 hours.
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Raising multilingual children, or polyglots

We raise our kids with 4 languages and it works really well. Learn about my most important take-aways.
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How to teach your child kindness

Kindness is a concept that can be difficult to grasp for children. We expect them to be kind and get all upset when we see they are not always kind. Many parents fall into shaming and blaming or punishing them for teaching them a lesson on how to be kind. Can you really expect your child to be kind when you are not? Your child gets confused when you yell at them not to yell. When you slap them because ...
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What to pack in your hospital bag for a C-section?

What to pack in your bag when you have a planned c-section differs a little from what you will need for a vaginal birth.
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How hypnotherapy can help you to conceive

We talk about infertility when you have frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year and still didn’t conceive. About 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age have experience fertility problems. Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is when a pregnancy has never been achieved by a person, and secondary infertility is when at least one prior pregnancy has been achieved, according to the World Health Organization. So many couples are struggling with creating the ...
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The benefits of hypnobirthing

We prepare for all big life events: we study hard for the final exams, we study for the driving license, we prepare months ahead of our wedding and think of every possible little detail. But then, when it comes to the birth of our baby, we tend to think that it’s the job of the midwife or the OBGYN to know what to do. Can you relate to that? Do you think that since this is your first baby, you ...
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3 Top Tips for going back to school

The anxiety might already be building up, in you and your child. Just the thought of starting a new school year brings you sleepless nights or worry.  Your child is already saying, I don’t want to go to school. They are afraid of not making friends. Of not being able to meet the teacher’s expectations? Or even their own expectations? Going back to school anxiety is a real thing. And just like with any other reason for anxiety, you face ...
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Guest article on The Graceful Boon

Can you relate to this feeling of nobody understanding you? Nobody can relate to how you are feeling? That you feel so out of place in places that are the most familiar to you? Stacie Kiselman founded The Graceful Boon and made it her mission to connect people, to give a platform for people to share their life stories, and read about other people’s inspiring stories. What she accomplishes with it is outstanding. Stacie is a writer, author and influencer. ...
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How to build your confidence

Lack of confidence manifests in many ways and you might recognise your behaviour in some of these symptoms. Symptoms of low confidence  People-pleasing, tiptoeing around, not asking for that raise or promotion because you think you don’t deserve it, or you are not good enough. It can also manifest in being unable to set boundaries because you don’t like to upset people, and you avoid the conflict as a result of saying no. Imposter syndrome is a big one when ...
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