Reflections and thoughts

How to make the 10-min per day quality time work

But first, let’s look at the WHY of one-on-one time – this is where I get back to when I am tired, annoyed, drained, and absolutely don’t feel like spending time with my child but just want to go to the couch and scroll IG. (Yes, I am a normal mom and also feel that way once in a while). Going back to why I am dedicated to spending quality time with each of my kids get me out of ...
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The role of the birth partner – and their hospital bag!

The birth partner, also known as a labor support person, is an important member of the birth team who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to the person giving birth during labor and delivery. Your birth partner could be your husband, your wife, your girlfriend, or your boyfriend, it could be your mother, your sister, your best friend, or your doula. The most important is, that your birth partner supports you and your choices, and knows your preferences so that ...
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How to prepare my child for school?

As an expat family living in Denmark, the education system here is very different from our countries of origin, Austria, and Portugal. I feel very blessed to be raising my children in a country, where their emotional wellbeing is a priority. And that trust and fun, feeling safe and cared for are considered important corner stones of academic success in the future. After all, nobody can learn when afraid and in fight or flight mode. The Danish education system is ...
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Human Design for Kids

Your children are not your children; they are life longing for itself.”  Khalil Gibran Imagine a world where children grow up appreciated and respected for who they are, feeling secure in themselves instead of learning they should be something other than what they are. Imagine every child’s true nature nurtured from birth. Would you like to see how Human Design can help you focus on your children and teach them how uniquely special and gifted they are? How you can ...
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How can a parent coach help you?

Hi there! I’m glad you’re considering working with a parent coach. A parent coach can help you in many ways! I can provide you with guidance and insight on how to handle different parenting situations. I can help you develop better communication and problem-solving skills and offer you support and resources to help you navigate the complexities of parenting. Providing you with tips on how to manage your own emotions and stress levels is a very important part of my ...
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Stop smoking with RTT

Stop smoking with RTT in only one session. This incredibly effective method uses the best of hypnosis, CBT and NLP to finally transform you into a non-smoker! Learn about the benefits of being a non-smoker and how YOU can achieve that in only 2 hours.
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Raising multilingual children, or polyglots

We raise our kids with 4 languages and it works really well. Learn about my most important take-aways.
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How to teach your child kindness

Kindness is a concept that can be difficult to grasp for children. We expect them to be kind and get all upset when we see they are not always kind. Many parents fall into shaming and blaming or punishing them for teaching them a lesson on how to be kind. Can you really expect your child to be kind when you are not? Your child gets confused when you yell at them not to yell. When you slap them because ...
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What to pack in your hospital bag for a C-section?

What to pack in your bag when you have a planned c-section differs a little from what you will need for a vaginal birth.
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How hypnotherapy can help you to conceive

We talk about infertility when you have frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year and still didn’t conceive. About 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age have experience fertility problems. Infertility can be primary or secondary. Primary infertility is when a pregnancy has never been achieved by a person, and secondary infertility is when at least one prior pregnancy has been achieved, according to the World Health Organization. So many couples are struggling with creating the ...
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